So Prince Harry's been "letting off steam" again. Given the number of times he does this, he must have the steam-filled constitution of an old Mallard locomotive. But the intriguing thing this time is that apparently he was engaging in something called "strip billiards".
Now in my previous post I was advocating sports like billiards for the Olympics and also suggesting we include variants of these to enhance the GB medal prospects. So I am indebted to HRH for coming up with one such variant that in my wildest dreams I never would have thought of. Well done sir!
Billiards itself is a game rarely played these days. It's like snooker but both far more sophisticated and, for the spectator at least, far more boring. For the uninitiated, there are only 3 balls involved, a red, a white and a white with a spot. One player has the plain white as "his" ball and the other the spotted one. You score points by potting, or going in off, one of the other 2 balls, or by a cannon, which is hitting one of the balls with yours followed by the other. You can see there is no natural conclusion to this so you play the first to a certain score or put a time limit on it. Or last man still awake wins.
So far so good, but how on earth do you get the disrobing angle into the game? I reckon what you do is to divide the game into 50 point chunks, or less if you are (a) rubbish at the game or (b) keen to get naked ASAP. The first person to 50 wins and demands a garment discard by the other. Then the first person to get to a hundred wins and...etc, etc. You could have some kind of extra special forfeit at a particular score. In fact, looking at those pics of the Prince, I reckon that's exactly what they've done in this instance.
But here's the interesting bit though. Back in the real world, I'm quite sure that whatever game they were playing, it wasn't billiards. But the fact that it was described specifically as "strip billiards" implies that this variant of the game must exist. So I now feel very naive that I have never been involved in such a game and clearly my life must be very sheltered. I must get out more and check out a different snooker/billiards club as I've never seen any stripping at the one I frequent.
Already, with Zara Phillips, we have one Olympic royal. I look forward to being able to cheer on a second in 4 years' time in Rio!