We're all too fat, apparently. "Doctors" (which doctors exactly?) now want to put a tax on fizzy drinks to save our kids' waistlines. This is on top of the existing swingeing taxes on tobacco and booze, not to mention moves for a minimum price for alcohol, all justified on health grounds. Of course it's quite handy that all these things raise money for the treasury to waste on government spending. Perhaps the government pays these so-called "doctors" to come up with these ideas and scare us into submission and paying ever higher taxes.
But there's a better solution. You may remember John and Yoko back in the late 1960s spending an inordinate amount of time in bed, even holding press conferences from their cosy divan. Well the time has come to say they were right, although not necessarily for the right reasons: we'd all be much better off if we stayed longer in bed.
Just think about it: when you're in bed, you don't spend money, you don't drink, don't eat, don't smoke (I am aware that there are people who may do some or all of these things in bed, especially now you can spend money by buying stuff on-line from your ipad, but this sort of behaviour is beyond the pale so I am leaving you to your fate.) The consequences are all good: you have more money and are much healthier. Yes I know about bed sores but I'm not proposing you lie around under the duvet 24/7 - have a bit of common sense now.
I first developed this theory when, as an impoverished student, I found I was able to spend prodigious amounts of time under the covers and quickly noticed the benefits. The most immediate of these was on the wallet thanks to the financial benefits of not eating/smoking/drinking; the health benefits were not so immediate and not so much of a concern. Now one is somewhat older, one is perhaps more concerned about the health factors rather than those of a financial nature but it doesn't matter, the prescription is the same.
You will have realised that this bed policy has much wider benefits for society. People don't commit acts of robbery or violence when in bed (I am ignoring stuff of a "50 Shades of Grey" nature here - what were you thinking of?) It is also less likely that politicians will spend our money or start wars from a prone position, especially if they're asleep and being comatose whilst under the duvet only serves to heighten the benefits and is therefore to be recommended.
So there you have it folks, stay in bed, live longer and be wealthier. Must go now as I am yawning a bit and doing this blogging lark is using electricity and costing me money. The lure of the bed is calling me back.