Wednesday, 9 November 2011

What-a mistake-a to make-a!

Fabio Cappelo, the world's most overpaid employee (discuss), has got himself into a piss-up in brewery situation. Apparently he can't go to his son's wedding because it clashes with the England friendly against Spain on Saturday.

Now, here's a bloke who is surrounded by minions and gophers of one sort or another, thereby freeing him to do nothing except watch football and meet with his financial advisers (difficult to know which must be the most time-consuming) and he can't even get his son's wedding to coincide with any of the gaping blank space in his diary. As well as being the most overpaid man on the planet, is he the most inept?

This reminds me of a previous suggestion of mine which is that the England football manager post should not be filled by appointment in the normal way but rather it should be given to the winner of a lottery. The argument is that it really doesn't matter who does the job (check out the performance in the last world cup), not least because there's so few top English players to choose from that a reasonably well-informed 10 year-old could do it just as well as a £6m p.a. Italian. The other advantages would be that the lottery would raise a lot of money for charity; you wouldn't have to pay the winner a tenth of what Fabio earns; it would give a huge boost to national morale and goodness knows we could do with that.

Excuse me if I'm repeating myself but this all begs the question, why stop at the England football manager job?  Next on my list for the Jobbo Lotto would be MEPs. These people do nothing of any value and are, in effect, completely unaccountable. But this doesn't stop them trousering large amounts of our money. An obvious case for job-by-scratch-card.

I'm sure you can think of other candidates. In the meantime, we now have the proof that, as we suspected, Capello doesn't even know what day it is. 

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Far be it from to leap to his defence, but I think you are assuming that Capello had some influence over the date of his son's wedding. Having heard his son speak about this on the radio, it seems the date was set without consulting his father and even when it transpired that Poppa would not be available nobody thought to change the date. I know things don't work like that in your house ...