Thursday, 18 October 2012

Interactive white boards suceeded by ipads!

With brilliantly apposite timing, our local paper today carries the headline "school spends £125k on ipads". Following the logic of yesterday's post, I would conclude that economic woes are just around the corner. Except that we've already got economic woes. But things can get worse, as the Deputy Governor of the Bank of England warned the other day and this ipad frenzy just confirms it.
The obsession with high tech gadgets is usually something which affects the people who know least about them. If you think back to your own school days, what aspect of your education would have been improved by the use of an ipad? None whatsoever in my case. The kids will use them for anything except school work; they'll break; they'll get stolen; they'll get left on the bus. But don't worry because we read that the school has an "ipad project manager" to sort these things out. Heaven help us.
This idea that we're living through times of austerity is a nonsense isn't it? The public sector continues to throw money around with gay abandon and as a result, the government is spending and borrowing more than ever. If you want real austerity, you need to go somewhere like Greece and if the UK carries on like this, we'll end up the in the same mess. The only reason we don't is because the Bank of England can merrily print money (which the Greeks can't).
Let's hope the kids' ipads come with a "how to save the economy" app.

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