Wednesday, 17 October 2012

What we did on our holidays

Apologies for lengthy lack of blogging. I have no good excuse but as a partial explanation, we have been on hols, this year to Turkey. I'd never been before but I can recommend it: good food, good weather, good people and it feels a bit more "foreign" than the likes of Spain and Greece whilst not being much further away. As an example of this is the call to prayer, which happens 5 times a day, including at dawn so if you're near a built up area with a mosque, you'd best be a good sleeper...unless you're a Muslim of course, in which case it's no doubt a positive advantage.
The most spectacular thing we did in Turkey was to visit Ephesus. I'll leave you to Google up the details but it is a huge site of remarkably well preserved archaeological remains. Mostly Roman although the history of the city goes back well before that.
Not much else to report (well there's only so much you can say about sunbathing and drinking beer) but I thought I'd post a photo or two of Ephesus. Do go.
Plus outside Ephesus was evidence that the world's economic recovery could be driven by sound Turkish business models:


TDB said...

Genuine Fake Watches! There's nothing worse than a fake fake watch.

Marshside said...

Abolutely right. I've got several!

Lucy said...

Been there - twice. Love it!